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  • Year 5

    Our Year 5 Team

    Michael Ansell (Teacher/PE Lead/Sports Premium)


    Sally Mitchell (SENDCO/Teacher)


    Richard Wakelin (Teacher/Humanities Overview)


    Teresa Lau (Teaching Assistant)
    Gabi Eyni (Teaching Assistant)

    Welcome to Year 5! We are the Foxes and Badgers.

    In year 5 we cover a lot of interesting topics. Please have a look at our curriculum overview and parent information below. 

    Home Learning

    Home learning should build your skills and confidence. Each week we will set. 

    Reading x 3 a week to be logged.


    Maths - online (details will be given) 

    TT Rockstars 


    Our Exciting Learning 

    Winchester Science Museum 

    We had a really exciting trip to Winchester Science Museum. It was great fun and we learnt a lot of interesting facts about light and space! 


    We also made and launched our own Rockets linked to all our learning in Science.