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  • Year 4

    Our Year 4 Team


    Riina Stoddart (Teacher/Music Lead)

    Catherine Hurl (Teacher/Online Safety Champion/Computing Lead)
    Robert Doubleday (Teacher/Geography Lead)


    Ryan Heyward (Teaching Assistant

    Emma Laidlaw (Teaching Assistant)

    Weronika Rozek (Teaching Assistant)





    Welcome to Year 4 Otters and Hares classes. 

    On this page you will find out all of the exciting things that you will learn in year 4. Please have a look at our Curriculum plan for the year and parent overviews. 

    Home Learning

    Home learning should build your skills and confidence. 

    In Year 4 our home learning each week is:


    maths (online learning) you will be given a login and details for this. 

    Reading 3 times a week to be logged. 

    TT Rockstars.