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  • Year 2

    Our Year 2 Team


    Rebecca Saunders

    (Teacher/RE Lead)

    Sam Matthews (LKS2 Phase Leader/Teacher/Anti-bullying Champion/Behaviour/Attendance)
    Anne Coombes (Teaching Assistant)

    Alison Fagan (Teaching Assistant)


    Welcome to Year 2!

    Our classes are Squirrels and Hedgehogs. 

    We have such an exciting curriculum in year 2. Please have a look at our yearly overview and parent information below. 

    Great Fire Of London Workshop - Autumn Term 

    We had a fantastic time transporting ourselves back in time as we carried out a fun filled Great Fire Of London workshop for our history learning. 

    Daily Learning in Year 2

    Home Learning

    Home learning should build your skills and confidence. Each week we will send home alternate English or Maths homework based on our weekly learning as well as the daily reading expectation.